Kundalini – How to Effectively Integrate It Into Your Life. Linking Kundalini to the internal behavior of your life

Kundalini Shakti awakening techniques
Kundalini Yoga

How to bring mental thoughts into control?

How to learn inner energy, and how to use for happy life?

What, the Kundalini power can become awakened, and how it is formed, where is it situated?

How to awaken the Kundalini power, and what are its experiences?

What is the best method for awakening Kundalini and how to do it?

What are the miraculous effects of Kundalini?

An attempt has been made to answer all these aspects or questions in this post.

|Kundalini awakening- Connecting with the source of immense power and inner joy .

Through Kundalini awakening, we free ourselves from our needs.
And prepare your life to connect with many possibilities.

There are many such experiences in our life, such as anxiety, sorrow, tension, depression, etc.
To be free from all these experiences, we have to evacuate ourselves from the thoughts received from our lives.
This work can be done by Kundalini Yoga.
When you are ready to do the Kundalini yoga, feel free from all aspects of your life at that time. 
 That is, feel free for some time from your day-to-day work, social work, professional work, etc.

|How to bring mental thoughts into control?

The thoughts of your mind can not be stopped.
You know, that energy can not be stopped, but energy can be converted into one form, another form.
Therefore, instead of stopping the thoughts of their mind, they should be turned in that direction, where there is a new possibility of life present.
Our thoughts are influenced by our work and surroundings, and are dependent on them. If we can separate ourselves from the environment for some time, then ideas can be taken in the right direction.

And at that moment yoga or meditation must be done.

|How to learn inner energy, and how to use for happy life?

It is important to know anything, that there is a desire to know it inside you.

When you try to know about external things, you are required to give time for it.

If you are eager to know about the inner energy of your mind then it is important to give time for it and practice it every day.

For this, you have to sit in such an asana, in which you will not have any kind of pain.
Close your eyes, try to look inside yourself, Observe the thoughts of your mind, look at them, inspect them and balance your mind.
Do not try to stop your thoughts, nor should you join them.

When we succeed in this endeavor, we are ready to know our internal energy.
When you are successful in meditation without being influenced by the thoughts of your mind, then you will have the philosophy of the form of inner energy and power. And you will be able to connect your mind with that unknown power.
That unknown power is the working power of the universe. 

Through the same cosmic power, planets, satellites, stars, galaxies can work equally.
After joining this energy you will not feel the need for anything in life, because you will get everything.

|What, the Kundalini power can become awakened, and how it is formed, where is it situated?

Kundalini Shakti awakening techniques beginners guide
Kundalini Shakti

  • Yes, by yoga and meditation, Kundalini can be awakened.
  • In the dormant state of Kundalini, at the end of our spinal cord, the bottom triangle is located in the size of a three-and-a-half-like viper like a snake.

|How to awaken the Kundalini power, and what are its experiences?

  1. The first condition for awakening Kundalini is to keep our body completely healthy.
  2. The second condition - Asana Siddhi (control of posture) Holding on an asana(pose) for 3 hours and 36 minutes, control over that pose.
  3. Pranayama Siddhi (Control Your Breathing) In order to control pranayama(Breathing), various methods have been given in pranayama in yoga.
  4. Next to provide the right direction to the thoughts of your mind.
  5. Understanding and Organizing Your Physical Mental and Emotional Behavior.
  6. It is very necessary for Kundalini awakening to take control of your sexual stimulation.
  7. Keep your mind, body, and soul connected with nature.
  8. Do not let yourself be uncontrolled in the state of happiness and sorrow.
  9. Yoga and meditation with the Sun's light every morning in the morning, free of anxiety and fear.
  10. By adopting all these rules, you will be able to control your mind and then Kundalini will be ready for awake. Kundalini Jagaran is necessary to practice yoga and meditation every day, by constantly meditating, the Kundalini can awaken the power.

|What are the miraculous effects of Kundalini?

  • When Kundalini awakens, we get complete information about the existence of our life.
  • When awakening of Kundalini Shakti, many kinds of wonderful powers arise in the body.
  • Internal energy of the mind starts increasing, and mindfulness is attained. Our brain begins to do 100% work and we also get control over many natural activities.
  • Going forward towards enlightenment Information about the creation of the universe begins to be received.
  • The miraculous effects of Divine vision, Third Eye Open, Vanishing power, ability to fly in the air, start to happen in our lives, when the Kundalini awakens.

Note - Before starting the process of Kundalini awakening, get information about Kundalini Yoga from an experienced Yoga Guru.
