Online Yoga Classes | We are senior citizens my age is 67 and my wife is 60 years we want to join yoga classes.

online classes, yoga classes, online yoga classes
.Online Yoga Classes   

With age, stiffness in the joints of the body starts increasing due to this there is also a lot of problems in walking and facing untouchable pain. 

Through yoga, joint pain can be relieved very easily and in a comfortable way. Yoga reduces joint pain as well as improves physical and mental health.

online yoga for all type joints pain

join online yoga classes - call/whatsApp -> +919785848405

website :- MK YOGA STUDIO

Morning Yoga Classes

5:30am to 6:00am - 30 minutes Guided Meditation

6:15am to 7:15am - 1hr Pranayama Sadhana

7:30am to 8:30am - Yogasana Practice + Pranayama

Evening Yoga Classes

5:00pm to 6:00pm - Yogasana Practice + Pranayama

6:15pm to 7:15pm - 1hr Pranayama Sadhana

7:30pm to 8:00pm - 30 minutes Guided Meditation
